I'm Saar, and I like to write .
That’s it – that’s the tweet.
For real, though – I’ve been writing for as long as I can remember. Somewhere at my parents’ place, there’s still a story about a bear and its mum, which I illustrated when I was about five. Also included in there are the words I dictated to my grandmother – after all: the story had to be complete. Even at that age, I was sure: there was only one option for my future, and it was to become a writer. Well, that, or a secretary, because there was no way I could ever own enough pens and notebooks.
Nothing’s really changed since then – books, writing, authors… They never let me go, and I couldn’t leave them behind either.
As such, when I had to choose my major, there was never really a different option: Literature and Linguistics at the KU Leuven, far away from my small-town roots. English, Dutch, even French a couple of years later. Adding on journalism, and a teaching degree - I was already in college, might as well. And throughout all of that, there was one goal that kept coming back: helping people write.
Even in high school, I was the go to-proofreader for any group work. During my university years, I probably revised about three dissertations or papers for every one I wrote.
So, does that leave any time for any passions that don’t involve languages? Of course it does!
There’s winter, for starters – snow walks and picknicks? Yes please!
I’m always looking forward to the next opportunity to travel to the UK – or to France, or to Luxembourg, or …
Music (a lot of music – and often the same song on repeat for five days straight) is another must.
Daarnaast verlies ik mezelf graag in gigantische fictieve werelden – zo had ik in 2021 het doel om het volledige Marvel Cinematic Universe (and I didn't do too shabby at that either). In 2022 the wonderous world of Studio Ghibli's productions was up. Make of that what you will...

However – no matter what else I’m doing? You will never find me without a note book, a pen, the notes app on my phone… Because, as just about everyone around me knows by now: Saar Schrijft.