This website is property of Ryckaert - Van Acker VOF (Saar Schrijft)
Enterprise number

Conditions live-sessions 


Live-writing sessions take place online, unless otherwise decided by mutual agreement. Travel is at the client's expense. Feedback and ad hoc meetings are covered by the rates for live sessions. 

Any half-hour of a live session started will be charged. If the partner/coachee does not show up for an appointment, or cancels less than 24 hours in advance, the session will still be charged. 

Conditions live-writing 

During a live-writing session, the contents are drafted under joint consultation. The copyright of these contents belongs to the partner.  

If the latter wishes further changes in the process, this can be discussed among themselves and, after approval, carried out. This reworking is considered separate from the revision, which is carried out after the live-writing session. 

Conditions coaching 

The coachee provides the material to be covered. After the session, the coachee is entitled to a full overview of everything that was done during the session and all relevant course material. This material may not be further distributed and remains the copyright property of Saar Schrijft. 

Conditions written assignments 


Each written assignment is forwarded to the client for approval. If the client wishes further changes, these can be discussed and, after approval, carried out. Saar Schrijft bears no final responsibility for the factual accuracy of the text. 

Copyright and final responsibility for these assignments remain with the client. After explicit (written or oral) or implicit (payment of invoice or rejection of further revision) approval of the assignment, it is considered closed and Saar Schrijft is not responsible for any inaccuracies. Each half-hour started will be charged. 

Conditions translation & copywriting 

Each translation or copywriting assignment is carried out to the best of our ability. Both translation and copywriting are considered separate from revision of the translated work. It is always advisable to have each text revised by a person who has not done the translation or copywriting himself/herself. 

Conditions revision & editing 

Any order for revision or editing will be carried out to the best of our ability. Comments on content can be given and applied in consultation.  

If the text to be revised is a translation, the original text should also be supplied. Errors in content arising from the original translation are not covered by the revision or editing package. 

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